''Associate yourself with people of good quality, for its better to be alone than in bad company'' by Booker T. Washington
This statement means that its better if your alone because if you have bad company they can distract you from your goals. They may also influence you too do bad. But if your alone then you can focus on doing what you want without any distractions. For example if your a good kid and a good student buy you don't have that much friends so you feel lonely and one day a group of kids invite you to go drink with them so you say yes because your desperate for friends and the next morning you wake up with a big headache and you miss school then they influenced you to do bad. But if you would of just stayed home then you wouldn't have to go through all of that and you would've been perfectly fine. Sometimes if you hang around bad people or you associate yourself with bad people then you change and you start wanting to do bad yourself. So its better to stay alone than be with bad people.
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