I liked that this class was quiet and it helped me get better on my typing skills. I also liked that we learned about many different careers so we can be prepared in the future and know what we want to do. This class also taught me how to become a better person and I learned that you have to choose the right no matter what situation your in. It also helped me be more polite and nice to others. 2. Some things that I did not like was when we would do the Student Success Statement because we had to do too much sentences in my opinion and we would spend too much time on them. 3. I recommend that you give the students different things to do everyday because we would always have the same routine and some people might get tired of that. I also think we should work more on our typing skills because you don't give us that much time for that. 4. A highlight for me in this class was coming to class and writing on ou...
Showing posts from December, 2017
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Six Flags I chose this topic because I'm going to Six Flags next week and I've never been there. Six Flags is an amusement park in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It is the largest amusement park company in the world. In 2016, Six Flags properties hosted over 30.1 million guests. Six Flags was founded in Texas and derived its name from its first property. Six Flags Theme Parks, Inc. was purchased in whole on April 1, 1998 from Time Warner by premier parks for 1.86 billion. With 19 roller coasters, Six Flags Magic Mountain holds the world record for most roller coasters in an amusement park. The admission price in 1971 was $5 for adults and $3.50 for children between the ages of 3 and 12. In 1979 the park was sold to Six Flags and became known as Six Flags Magic Mountain in 1980. I'm excited to go to Six Flags because its going to be my first time there and I'm going with one of my close friends.
Student Success Statement
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''Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being'' by Mr. C. Haymore You should never feel like anyone is controlling your mind or making you choose wrong choices because no one should be in control of your mind and body except for you. If your trying to become a better person and to not do harm to your body then you should have the confidence ton say ''NO'' when you don't want something. No one should ever rule your life or make choices for you. You should be the only one that in control of what you do because its your body and you need to be the one taking care of it. For example no one should ever pressure you or force you to do drugs because that damages your body and in reality they dont care what happens to you or how it damages you. They just want someone to have a good time with.
The Harmful Effects of Smoking
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The Harmful Effects of Smoking Smoking doesn't just effect your lungs it also effects your entire body. Smoking causes anxiety unhealthy teeth bronchitis lung cancer high cholesterol blood clotting heart disease cervical cancer loss of appetite Tobacco smoke is incredibly harmful to your health. There's no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won't help you avoid these risks. Cigarette's contain about 600 ingredients, many of which can also be found in cigars and hookahs. When these ingredients burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals, according to the American Lung Association. Many of those chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them are linked to cancer.
Student success statement
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''We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do'' by. Richard L. Evans We need to be strong enough to be able to have our own decisions and choose what's right. Also to not let anyone tell you what to do or make your decisions for you. If you have a strong mind set then your going to think about all your choices and choose wisely. If your hanging out with some of your friends and they want to go do something that's not correct and you don't want to do it then you should have the courage to say no and leave. But you should also have the courage and confidence to continue doing the right things and make wise choices. Even if everyone is doing bad things you need to continue to do the right because its not going to affect them its going to affect you and the way you are and the way people see you.
Student succes statement
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''When you tell one lie, it leads to another'' by Paul Hatch Once you start lying then you have no control and before you know it your going to be lying without noticing and its going to be normal for you. Lying isn't good to do because if you lie to someone and they find out then they're not going to trust you any more. Its good to be a trustworthy person because you feel good about yourself and others treat you better. If you lie to cover up something you did then your just going to have to keep on lying in order for people to believe you or your story. Doing something bad then lying about it makes the person think that what he or she did was okay. Also since no ones going to know what they did then there's going to be no consequences and the person is going to continue to do bad. In my opinion there's no reason to lie about anything. Even if you did something bad and you know your going to get in trouble about it then you should just face your c...
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Navy Duties and responsibilities: navy duties include administrative, management and command branches, base physical, technical, maintenance and personnel support services. Salary: the average salary for navy chief jobs is $61,000 Education: a high school diploma or GED is not enough to join the navy as an officer. Before you enter one of the Navy's officer programs you must have at least a bachelors degree from a college or University. Demand or need for this profession: the fields of military engineering includes a range of engineer positions, including civil, electrical and mechanical engineer. Reflection: no, I would not want to be in a military medical career because its not something that interests me.