Student succes statement

''When you tell one lie, it leads to another'' by Paul Hatch

Once you start lying then you have no control and before you know it your going to be lying without noticing and its going to be normal for you. Lying isn't good to do because if you lie to someone and they find out then they're not going to trust you any more. Its good to be a trustworthy person because you feel good about yourself and others treat you better. If you lie to cover up something you did then your just going to have to keep on lying in order for people to believe you or your story. Doing something bad then lying about it makes the person think that what he or she did was okay. Also since no ones going to know what they did then there's going to be no consequences and the person is going to continue to do bad. In my opinion there's no reason to lie about anything. Even if you did something bad and you know your going to get in trouble about it then you should just face your consequences so next time you know not to do the same mistake.
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