''What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right. by Albert Einstein
Most of the times people do bad things because it may seem ''cool'' or they want to impress their friends. They may also want to fit in with the popular kids so they want to look like they're bad or ''down'' for anything. A lot of people these days don't do the right because they don't want to look like a good kid. In my opinion I think that everyone should do what they think is right whether anybody
likes it or not. Sometimes if your doing bad things to impress somebody you might get into trouble and those people you were trying to impress blame everything on you. So at the end of the day your the one getting affected by the choices you made. But by doing the right things and making right choices then you can go far in life.

Most of the times people do bad things because it may seem ''cool'' or they want to impress their friends. They may also want to fit in with the popular kids so they want to look like they're bad or ''down'' for anything. A lot of people these days don't do the right because they don't want to look like a good kid. In my opinion I think that everyone should do what they think is right whether anybody
likes it or not. Sometimes if your doing bad things to impress somebody you might get into trouble and those people you were trying to impress blame everything on you. So at the end of the day your the one getting affected by the choices you made. But by doing the right things and making right choices then you can go far in life.
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