''I wont cheat'' Dale Murphy I think that you should never cheat because you could regret it in the end and it also doesn't benefit you in any way. Theirs many other things you could do to pass a test or to win a game or sport. For example, if your about to have a test you could study for it or if your in a sport and your about to compete against another team then instead of taking drugs and getting disqualified you should practice until you are one of the best players in your team. Cheating just shows that your immature and you don't know how to follow rules. Students or people in general may cheat because they feel pressure to win something.
Showing posts from February, 2018
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Patient Representative Duties and Responsibilities: They explain policies, procedures, or services to patients using medical or administrative knowledge. They also coordinate communication between patients, family members, medical staff, administrative staff, or regulatory agencies. Salary: The median annual Patient Representative salary is $45,153 as of August 03, 2017. Education: Education is a consideration when you decide to become a patient access representative Demand for this particular career: You might want to look for a program that is recognized by one of the major regulatory bodies in your area, as hospitals and other employers may consider these programs to be more reputable. Reflection : No I wouldn't want to be one.
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''Character Matters Most'' by Dale Murphy This statement means that if your a good person and you have a good character then people will respect you and be kind to you. But if your someone that doesn't have good manners or isn't a nice person then everyone will talk bad about you. Its important to always be respected and to have a good reputation.
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Pediatrician Duties and Responsibilities: A pediatrician gives advice on disease prevention methods, diet plan and hygienic activities to the child as well as his/her parents. Salary: The median annual Pediatrics salary is $192,038 Education: Most physicians and surgeons must complete an undergraduate degree, followed by 4 years of medical school and a 3-7 year internship and/or residency. The length of residency depends on specialization, which in the field of pediatrics could reach 7 years. Demand for this particular career: As the medical field continues to make new and exciting discoveries in medicine and pediatrics, the demand for pediatricians will increase Reflection: yes Its my dream job to be a pediatrician.
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''Great beauty, great strength, and great riches, are really and truly of no great use, a right heart exceeds all'' by Benjamin Franklin This reflection is saying that it doesn't matter if your rich or wealthy because in reality thats not what makes us happy. Being pretty doesn't make you happy, being rich doesn't make you happy, and being famous doesn't make you happy. What makes you truly happy is a good heart and a good and healthy life. You can have all the money in the world and still not be happy.
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Pathologist Duties and Responsibilities: As a Pathologist, you might examine and diagnose bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, or tissues from biopsies and Pap smears, to diagnose disease. You may possibly perform autopsies to determine a cause of death. Salary: The average salary for a Pathologist is 302,610 USD Education: A forensic pathologist must first earn a bachelor's degree, then a medical degree, either an MD. or DO. Extensive additional education and training is required, including four to five years of training in anatomic, clinical and forensic pathology and a one year residency or fellowship in forensic pathology. Demand for this career: many of these jobs require completion of medical school as well as post graduate training. Licensure is required for all kinds of physicians. Reflection: No I wouldn't be interested in pursuing this career.
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''It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today'' James Freeman Clarke This statement means that all your choices affect your future. For example, if your a teenage girl and you mess around and get pregnant then that can cause difficulties for your future. Your young and now its going to take a while for you to finish school and its going to be harder because you need to be taking care of the baby. So to prevent things like this happening you should make wise choices and think about what your about to do. Another example is the video we saw about James Holmes. If he would've gotten help instead and thought about what he was going to do when he walked in that Theatre then he would of been a better man right now. He also wouldn't be stuck in jail for the rest of his life for doing something that could of easily been avoided.
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Osteopathic Physician Duties and Responsibilities: Physicians and surgeons diagnose and treat injuries or illnesses. Physicians examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. Salary: This wage is equal to or greater than $208,000 per year or $100.00 per hour. Education: Physicians typically need a bachelor’s degree, a degree from a medical school, which takes 4 years to complete, and, depending on their specialty, 3 to 7 years in internship and residency programs. Demand for this particular career: They counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare. Surgeons operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates.About half of physicians and surgeons worked in physicians’ offices in 2016. Reflection: Yes I would want to be a Osteopathic Physician because its something that interests me. ...
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''Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly'' by Otto Graham, Jr. When you know something is wrong then you shouldn't do it even if you think it will benefit you. For example the video of the homeless man shows that you should do the right no matter what because if he would have exchanged the ring for 4 thousand dollars it wouldn't have been worth it because instead the kept the ring and the lady that owned it helped him get money because people wanted to donate. He also found his family and got reunited with them after 16 years and in my opinion that's way better than 4 thousand dollars. Every human being should know the difference between right or wrong. So whenever were in a situation when were tested to do the right then you should just do it. Because something great may come out of it. Making the right choices makes you feel good about yourself because you know that you could have done the wrong but you were being a smart person. ...
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''Act well your part; there all honor lies'' by Alexander Pope This statement means that if your a good person and you make right choices then your honorable. Honor isn't something that you can get very easily, it is supposed to be earned. To earn honor you just have to always do the right no matter what anyone says, and to never let anyone influence you to do the bad. If your an honorable person then you get respected by most people because they see that your trustworthy and mature to make your own choices. So always remember to do the right.
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Valentines Day History Valentines day is an old tradition thought to have originated from a Roman Festival known as Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 as a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman God of agriculture. During the celebrations boys would draw names of girls from a box and the pair would be partners during the festival, those matches often led to marriage. The festival survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed at the end of the 5th century when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 ST. Valentines day. The St Valentine that inspired the holiday may have been more than one man, the saint officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church was a real person who died around AD 270. An account from the 1400's describes Valentine as a priest who was beheaded by Emperor Claudius for helping Christian couples wed. The emperor had banned marriage as he thought single men made better soldiers. Valentine felt this ...
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''Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company'' by George Washington You should only hang out with good quality people because they can help you become a better person. If your hanging out or being friends with people that do drugs, lie, steal, drink, and all that other stuff then they're not benefiting you at all. So there's no point for you to be talking to them. You might want to look cool because your doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing but at the end of the day your going to be the one that ends up affected. You shouldn't have to please anyone or feel pressured to do things that you don't want to do. For example I had this boyfriend that would never come to school and always ditch. So one day I got to school and he was waiting for me at the gate and he told me ''lets ditch''? and I wanted to please him and spend more time with him becaus...
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Orthopedic Surgeon Duties and Responsibilities: Orthopedic surgeons treat patients musculoskeletal systems. This means they care for patients who have problems with their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Salary: The median annual surgeon orthopedic salary is $462,867 Education: The orthopedic surgery career path requires 8-9 years of post-baccalaureate education, along with continued maintenance of board certification. Demand or need for this profession: They also need an M.D. degree and 4-5 years residency in a hospital. Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a Orthopedic Surgeon because I wouldn't be able to perform surgery on someone.
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''Right is right only when entire'' by Victor Hugo Right is only right when its honest and truthful. If you pretend to do the right so you can fool people into believing that your a good person then your not being 100% honest. If your not going to be entirely truthful then you shouldn't fake if or be half true. Its better to be entirely true than only 50 percent.
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Orthodontist Duties and Responsibilities: Orthodontics,a specialty within the dental profession, involves straightening teeth and correcting bites. As an orthodontist, you are responsible for locating problems with the positioning of patients' teeth and with their oral development. Salary : The median annual Orthodontist salary is $135,771 Education: In order to become an orthodontist, students need to complete four years of dental school. Coursework in dental school includes anatomy, physiology and microbiology, as well as classes that apply more specifically to orthodontics, such as dental anatomy and occlusion, pediatric dentistry and dental materials. Demand or need for this profession: Becoming an Orthodontist is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It can take ten or more years of education, after high school to become an orthodontist. Reflection: I wouldn't want to be an orthodontist because it takes a lot of years in school.
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''If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of''. by Rachel Castillo People will appreciate you more and value you more if they know that your a good person. For example, if there's a girl and a boy and the boy goes and steals someone's purse then they will want to put that boy in jail but since the girl didn't do anything they will keep her safe and out of trouble. You will also get respected more and noticed by the good actions that you make because if your a good person and make the right choices everyone treats you well.
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Duties and responsibilities: they perform surgery and related procedures on the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial regions to treat diseases, injuries, or defects. Salary: $101,784 - $401,056 Education: While you don't have to complete a 4 year, bachelor's degree prior to applying to a dental school, most applicants have such a degree. Typical college coursework for people looking to become dentists or oral surgeons includes chemistry, physics, biology, health and mathematics. Dental schooling to become an oral surgeon will take an additional four years Demand or need for this profession: Oral surgeons should have good supervisory and administrative skills; many oral surgeons own their own practice and oversee technicians, assistants and clerks. Being physically dexterous, able to multitask and patient will also help you to be a successful oral surgeon. Reflection: yes I would want to be a Oral and Maxillofacia...
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''In life as in football, you wont go far, unless you know where the goalposts are'' by Arnold H. Glasgow I think this means that in life your supposed to have a specific goal that you want to achieve and a plan you make to achieve this goal. If you don't have any goals in life then you wont have anything to look forward to or anything to motivate you to keep on going. Everyone that has goals is successful because they know what they want to do in life and they know what they're trying to do to make themselves achieve more in life.
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Optometry Technician Duties and Responsibilities: As a technician, your main duty will be to help the optometrist with eye examinations. Your job duties will also involve assisting with patient eye care and examination, helping with the maintenance of patient records and handling some technical duties involving equipment and eyeglass preparation. Salary: The average salary is $22,260 per year. Education: To become an optometric technician, you should at least have your high school diploma. An optometric technician training program or 2-year, associate degree will make you more competitive as an optometric technician. Demand or need for this profession: The American Optometric Association recommends that optometry technicians earn Para optometric certification to demonstrate job skills and enhance professionalism. Reflection: I would not want to be a Optometry Technician because I'm not interested in eyes