Valentines Day History
Valentines day is an old tradition thought to have originated from a Roman Festival known as Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 as a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman God of agriculture. During the celebrations boys would draw names of girls from a box and the pair would be partners during the festival, those matches often led to marriage. The festival survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed at the end of the 5th century when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 ST. Valentines day.
The St Valentine that inspired the holiday may have been more than one man, the saint officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church was a real person who died around AD 270. An account from the 1400's describes Valentine as a priest who was beheaded by Emperor Claudius for helping Christian couples wed. The emperor had banned marriage as he thought single men made better soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair so he celebrated marriages in secret. When the emperor found out he was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. ''Valentinus'' is from the Latin word for worthy, strong, or powerful and was a popular name between the second and eighth centuries meaning there are several martyrs with the same name. There are actually a dozen valentines listed and there's even a Pope valentine. Valentine did help couples marry in secret, which is arguably very romantic.
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