The day after the last day of school it was my birthday and I was turning 15 so my parents rented a limousine for me and I bought a quinceniera dress. My friends were also there with me and the girls had their dama dresses and my guy bestfriend had his suit. It was on a Saturday and when I first woke up I had an appointment at 9:00 so they could do my hair. The lady at the salon finished doing my hair at around 10:30. Then after that I had to go to this lady's house so she could do my makeup but when I got there she was still working on my friends makeup and she took a really long time. The limo we rented was going to arrive at my house at 1:00 so she had to hurry up and finish with both of us. By the time I got back home the limo was already there so I ran inside and my sister helped me put my dress on and my heels.
1. Can people trust me to do what's right? 2. Am I committed to doing my very best? 3. Do I treat people they way I want to be treated? ''If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail'' by Lou Holtz If I always do what's right with out people telling me or reminding me then that makes me look mature and makes me gain peoples trust. If your trying to achieve something then why not try your best and put all your effort into what your doing.Treating people with kindness and friendliness makes you feel good because then everyone looks at you differently and with respect.They also start treating you like an adult because they've seen that you've matured. For example if your a rude kid and is always rebellious then people are going to ignore you and not get in your way so they wont have to deal with you. But if you are kind and respectful then people admire you because most teenagers are rude and try to be funny or ''cool...
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