Duties and Responsibilities: Providing mental health help and support for those that need it, a therapist’s job description is far-reaching. Providing a listening ear might not seem like much of a job, but allowing people to talk and reflect on their feelings and experiences can change their life.
Salary: According to the BLS, marriage and family therapists earned a median salary of $49,170 in 2016.
Education: As part of your master's program, you might have to complete a certain number of supervised clinical hours. Your school may assign you to a counseling center or organization, and these clinical hours may help you meet licensing requirements in your state.
Demand for this particular career: You will take classes as part of your PhD training, but you will also have to write a dissertation. This challenging paper can introduce a new theory to contribute to the field, or present a research study you conducted
Reflection: I would want to be a therapist because i like to help people.

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