Student Succes Statement

''Kindness is the essence of greatness'' by Joseph B. Wirthlin

Being kind to someone always makes you feel better because your helping people that are in need or who cant help themselves. For example in the movie there was a homeless man in the park and he looked dirty and hungry and nearby there was a lady eating with her husband and she got her plate and gave it to the man and you could see how happy he was. Being kind should come out of your own heart because if your doing something kind or helping someone out then you shouldn't expect to receive something in return. If your kind not only do you feel good about yourself but people start treating you with more respect and you might encourage them to be kind as well. Another example is the guy that was sitting down in the bus he noticed a older women walk in and since the bus was full he left her take his seat. I think that was a very kind thing too do because the guy was a teenager with a lot of energy and the lady was older and she could have been tired since her bones aren't as strong as the guys. Whenever your out in public and you see someone that you can help out then do it because then you'll set a good example for the people around you.


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