
Showing posts from November, 2017

Student Success Statement

''Always do right'' by Mark Twain This statement is telling you that wherever your at or whatever your doing to always choose the right. Even though sometimes its easier to do the wrong and you may make the wrong choices. You should always admit to what you did. Lying about your wrong choices makes it even worse than to just being sincere and telling the truth. It doesn't matter where your at or who your around you always have to remember who you are and be true to yourself. It doesn't mater if people might think your ''not cool'' or ''lame''  you always have to be a good person and always do the right.
Mental Health Counselor  Duties and Responsibilities: mental health counselors offer guidance to individuals, couples, families and groups who are dealing with issues that affect their mental health and well-being. Salary : mental health counselors had an average salary of $42,590 annually as of May 2011. Education: a mental health counselor must have a bachelors degree in psychology, sociology, counseling, education, social work. A mental health counselor must have a masters degree in psychology and counseling. A mental health counselor may also need to have a doctoral degree in order to do research work. Demand or need for this profession: there are two graduate degree programs that train future mental health counselors, the first one is Master of clinical mental health counseling and the second one is Master of social work. Reflection: I would be interested in being a mental health counselor because I like helping people out and listening to their prob...
''Associate yourself with people of good quality, for its better to be alone than in bad company'' by Booker T. Washington  This statement means that its better if your alone because if you have bad company they can distract you from your goals. They may also influence you too do bad. But if your alone then you can focus on doing what you want without any distractions. For example if your a good kid and a good student buy you don't have that much friends so you feel lonely and one day a group of kids invite you to go drink with them so you say yes because your desperate for friends and the next morning you wake up with a big headache and you miss school then they influenced you to do bad. But if you would of just stayed home then you wouldn't have to go through all of that and you would've been perfectly fine. Sometimes if you hang around bad people or you associate yourself with bad people then you change and you start wanting to do bad yourself. So it...
On  thanksgiving break I went to san Diego for 3 days and stayed with my cousins. All my family from my dads side came over and it was nice being with all of them. My dad and uncle cooked some hamburgers outside and since my cousins have a big back yard everyone was outside and  all the cousins were together talking and having a good time. On Wednesday we left and came back to where we live and my mom went to the market with my aunt to buy a turkey. On thanksgiving I woke up around 9:00 to the sound of my mom moving pans in the kitchen and I went to the kitchen to see what she was doing and I found my aunt in there too. Once they saw me they called me over and asked me to help them cook the turkey and get it ready but I was still so sleepy so I went to my room and was on my phone for a bit. After about an hour I went to wash my hands and help them out. I started cutting bags of carrots and celery and once I was done my hands were tired. About 3 hours later everything was ...
''Develop the attitude of gratitude''  If your grateful for all the things you have in your life then your attitude is going to show that your a happy person. Because you may have things that other people don't so that makes you lucky and you should appreciate what you have.Your attitude is based on how you see your life and if your a happy person. For example, if your happy with yourself and the way your life is then your going to have a good attitude and your going to treat everyone good. So over all your going to be a happy person because of what your thankful for.You should be grateful for everything you have like your house, clothes, shoes, and the fact that you can eat everyday without going hungry. Some people don't have the same blessings as you may have and they may not have a family or any food to eat so you need to remember what you have and be thankful for it.
1. Can people trust me to do what's right? 2. Am I committed to doing my very best? 3. Do I treat people they way I want to be treated? ''If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail'' by Lou Holtz If I always do what's right with out people telling me or reminding me then that makes me look mature and makes me gain peoples trust. If your trying to achieve something then why not try your best and put all your effort into what your doing.Treating people with kindness and friendliness makes you feel good because then everyone looks at you differently and with respect.They also start treating you like an adult because they've seen that you've matured. For example if your a rude kid and is always rebellious then people are going to ignore you and not get in your way so they wont have to deal with you. But if you are kind and respectful then people admire you because most teenagers are rude and try to be funny or ''cool...

Student Succes Statement

''Kindness is the essence of greatness'' by Joseph B. Wirthlin Being kind to someone always makes you feel better because your helping people that are in need or who cant help themselves. For example in the movie there was a homeless man in the park and he looked dirty and hungry and nearby there was a lady eating with her husband and she got her plate and gave it to the man and you could see how happy he was. Being kind should come out of your own heart because if your doing something kind or helping someone out then you shouldn't expect to receive something in return. If your kind not only do you feel good about yourself but people start treating you with more respect and you might encourage them to be kind as well. Another example is the guy that was sitting down in the bus he noticed a older women walk in and since the bus was full he left her take his seat. I think that was a very kind thing too do because the guy was a teenager with a lot of energy and th...
Yesterday I went to San Diego
My name is Mariana and I'm 14, I was born on march 24. 2003